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Strech the text to the borders of a node by using \hfill


The text inside the nodes is not streched to the right side of the node by using \hfill.Could it be the reason that it doesn't work with font=\tiny? But I need the text that small and I would like that the explanation text is at the right side inside the node and the short term like Frg 1 is on the left side inside the node.

\documentclass{article}\usepackage{tikz}\usetikzlibrary{positioning,shadows,arrows,backgrounds,fit,matrix}\begin{document}\begin{figure} [H]\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tiny, pfeil/.style                   ={draw,->,shorten <=0pt,>=stealth', thick, -latex',shorten >=0pt}, stext/.style                   ={draw,solid, fill=gray!10, text width=25em,minimum height=1em, drop shadow, rounded corners}, snr/.style                     ={drop shadow,fill=gray!10,draw,solid,circle,minimum width=4mm,inner sep=0pt}, every matrix/.style    ={matrix of nodes, row sep=1mm, column sep=3mm,fill=gray!40,draw=black,dashed,rounded corners,inner sep=2mm}]    \newcommand{\beschr}[1]{\hfill\textit{#1}};    \matrix (einlegen)              {            \node   (e11)       {}; &   \node   (e12)       [snr]   {1.};   &   \node   (e13)       [stext] {Frg 1\beschr{Freigabe Einfahrt Bauteil}};                  \\            \node   (e21)       {}; &   \node   (e22)       [snr]   {2.};   &   \node   (e23)       [stext] {MZ 11 V\beschr{Sauger ein}};      \\                                                                           \node   (e31)       {}; &   \node   (e32)       [snr]   {3.};   &   \node   (e33)       [stext] {Frg 2\beschr{Freigabe Ausfahrt Bauteil}};                  \\        };    \node   [fit=(e11)(e31),label={[rotate=90,xshift=1mm]center:\textbf\tiny{Einlegen}}] {};    \matrix (arbeitsstellung)   [below=.3cm of einlegen]        {            \node   (a11)       {}; &   \node   (a12)       [snr]   {4.};   & \node (a13)       [stext] {MZ 12 V\beschr{Spanner Innenblech vorw\"arts}};            \\            \node   (a21)       {}; &   \node   (a22)       [snr]   {5.};   & \node (a23)       [stext] {M1 \& M2 V\beschr{B\"ugel M1 \& M2 vorw\"arts}};           \\            \node   (a31)       {}; &   \node   (a32)       [snr]   {6.};   & \node (a33)       [stext] {M3 \& M6 V\beschr{B\"ugel M3 \& M6 vorw\"arts}};           \\            \node   (a41)       {}; &   \node   (a42)       [snr]   {7.};   & \node (a43)       [stext] {M4 \& M5 V\beschr{B\"ugel M4 \& M5 vorw\"arts}};           \\            \node   (a51)       {}; &   \node   (a52)       [snr]   {8.};   & \node (a53)       [stext] {MZ 13 V\beschr{Klemmeinheit l\"osen}}; \\                              \node   (a61)       {}; &   \node   (a62)       [snr]   {9.};   & \node (a63)       [stext] {MZ 14 V\beschr{Niederhalteraufnahme vorw\"arts}};          \\            \node   (a71)       {}; &   \node   (a72)       [snr]   {10.};& \node   (a73)       [stext] {MZ 15-19 V\beschr{Niederhalteraufnahmen vorw\"arts}};          \\            \node   (a81)       {}; &   \node   (a82)       [snr]   {11.};& \node   (a83)       [stext] {MZ 21-22 V\beschr{Niederhalterzustellungen vorw\"arts}};           \\            \node   (a91)       {}; &   \node   (a92)       [snr]   {12.};& \node   (a93)       [stext] {MZ 23-24 V\beschr{Niederhalterzustellungen vorw\"arts}};           \\            \node   (a101)  {}; &   \node   (a102)  [snr]   {13.};& \node   (a103)  [stext] {MZ 20 V\beschr{Sperrventil vorw\"arts}};   \\        };\node   [fit=(a11)(a101),label={[rotate=90]center:\textbf\tiny{Falze in Arbeitsstellung}}] {};\begin{scope}   [every path/.style=pfeil]                \path   (e33)   --  (a13);            \end{scope}    \end{tikzpicture}\end{figure}

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